Noise Anxiety in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies - Whisker Hut

Noise Anxiety in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Noise anxiety is a common behavioral issue that affects many dogs. It is a type of phobia or fear-related condition which occurs when dogs become excessively fearful or agitated by certain noises. This condition can significantly impact a dog's quality of life and can cause distress for both the dog and its owner. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and potential remedies for noise anxiety in dogs.


There is no single definitive cause of noise anxiety in dogs, and it can vary from one individual to another. However, some common causes include:

  1. Lack of exposure during the socialization period: Dogs that haven't been properly exposed to various sounds during their critical socialization period, which typically occurs between 3 and 14 weeks of age, are more likely to develop noise anxiety later in life.
  2. Traumatic experiences: Dogs that have experienced traumatic events associated with loud or sudden noises, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or car accidents, may develop noise anxiety as a result of the associated fear.
  3. Genetic predisposition: Some dogs are genetically predisposed to developing anxiety disorders, including noise anxiety. Certain breeds, such as German Shepherds and Border Collies, are more prone to anxious behavior.


Dogs experiencing noise anxiety may exhibit various symptoms, both behavioral and physical. These may include:

  1. Pacing and restlessness: Dogs may constantly move around the house, unable to settle down or relax.
  2. Excessive barking or howling: Dogs may bark excessively or howl in response to loud noises as a way to express their anxiety.
  3. Trembling or shaking: Dogs may physically tremble or shake as a result of their anxiety.
  4. Hiding or seeking comfort: Dogs may try to hide in secluded areas of the house, under furniture, or seek comfort from their owners during episodes of noise anxiety.
  5. Destructive behavior: In severe cases, dogs may exhibit destructive behavior, such as chewing on furniture or walls, as a coping mechanism for their anxiety.


When it comes to managing noise anxiety in dogs, there are several approaches that can be effective. Here are a few remedies to consider:

  1. Create a safe space: Provide a designated safe space for your dog during episodes of noise anxiety. This can be a crate, a specific room, or an area with their bed and familiar toys. Ensure this space is quiet, comfortable, and secure.
  2. Use desensitization techniques: Gradually expose your dog to the noises that trigger their anxiety in a controlled and positive manner. This can be done through specialized desensitization training programs or by playing recordings of the noises at a low volume and gradually increasing the volume over time.
  3. Provide distraction and positive reinforcement: Engage your dog in activities they enjoy, such as playing with interactive toys or participating in training exercises. This can help divert their attention from the noise and reinforce positive associations.
  4. Consider calming aids: There are various calming aids available for dogs, such as pheromone diffusers, calming vests, or anxiety wraps. Consult with your veterinarian to find the most suitable option for your dog's individual needs.
  5. Consult a professional: If your dog's noise anxiety is severe or persistent, seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or veterinary behaviorist can be highly beneficial. They can provide customized behavior modification techniques or suggest medication options to help reduce your dog's anxiety.


Noise anxiety can be a distressing experience for dogs and their owners alike. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and implementing appropriate remedies and techniques can help alleviate this condition and improve a dog's overall well-being. It's important to remember that every dog is unique, and finding the right approach may require patience, consistency, and professional guidance. With the right care and support, dogs with noise anxiety can lead happier and calmer lives.

Whisker Hut offers a product that might help with anxiety in your pet. Our Calming Compression Shirt is a drug-free alternative that activates pressure points with its innovative four-way stretch design, promoting a sense of calm and reduces anxiety levels. 

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